Fonctionnalités :
- Analyses statiques
- Analyses vibratoires : modale, spectrale, vibrations aléatoires, harmonique, transitoire linéaire, rotor dynamique
- Analyses thermiques : conduction, convection, rayonnement, changement de phase/stationnaire, transitoire
- Contacts : linéaires, non linéaires, liaisons cinématiques, points de soudure
- Matériaux mécaniques : linéaires, plasticité (sans dépendance à la vitesse de déformation), hyper élasticité
Simulations mécaniques non linéaires avancées et dynamiques linéaires complètes
Ansys Mechanical Premium
Il vous donne accès aux solveurs mécanique et thermique d'Ansys.
- Techniques avancées : flambage linéaire/non linéaire, serrage de boulon, symétrie cyclique, submodeling, optimisation topologique, composites (hors module ACP)
- Modules de fatigue et de dynamique rigide
- Couplages : Thermo structurel (faible)
- Module Ansys DesignXplorer intégré : optimisation, plan d’expérience et surfaces de réponse
Linear Dynamics

Finding natural frequencies, responses to harmonic loads and understanding behavior during transportation (random or PSD vibration) or events such as earthquakes (seismic response) gives you the ability to accurately predict how your designs will work in dynamic environments. The ability to include pre-loading adds more fidelity and means that self-weighted, bolted assemblies — or even cases like brake squeal — can be simulated.
Material Models

Nonlinear materials behave vastly differently to those operating in the linear range. Sealing applications or scenarios where materials see permanent deformation through plasticity are common, and being able to easily add in user-defined materials, or ones selected from a library provided with the software, means that you can couple the contact and geometric nonlinearities to get even closer to reality.
Rigid Body Dynamics/Motion

Mechanisms and systems can easily be simulated as either fully rigid, using the rigid body dynamics capability, fully flexible or a mix of the two. You can choose exactly which parts of the assembly to study in detail and use the resources available as efficiently as possible. Each joint in a system can be interrogated to look at the forces and reactions upon them. Individual components can be easily isolated and studied in detail to map the forces from the whole assembly to consider operational scenarios.
High-Performance Computing

Ansys solvers make use of the many compute cores now available to engineers in more than one way. Contact detection, mesh generation and solving all benefit from the additional, ever increasing core counts. Compute efforts can be split up to make short work of tasks like determining where contact interfaces should be; meshing operations can be sped up in a similar manner.
Solver operations can take the form of Shared Memory Parallel (SMP) or the often much faster Distributed Memory Parallel (DMP) type. The distributed Ansys solver uses the available compute resources to accelerate solutions. Adding more cores makes a big impact across the workflow. You can experience speed-up even up to 1000 cores.
Trace Mapping

Creating models of printed circuit boards (PCBs) and integrated circuits (ICs) often involves oversimplification and assumptions to avoid computationally expensive and laborious creation of models with trace material modeled discretely. Trace mapping enables you to import ECAD files in a vast array of formats used extensively in PCB and IC development, and choose to what extent trace material is mapped onto meshes within the model. You are free to refine the model around areas of interest. Models can be built in minutes, not hours, meaning the behavior of electronic components and systems can be understood in thermal, static and dynamic environments.

While structural analysis can answer many engineering questions on it’s own, it is often by using data from other analyses, either as a one off, or in a coupled manner that simulations really become true virtual prototypes. The tools in the Ansys Mechanical products enable connection to other simulation results directly from the project schematic. Coupled simulations between CFD and Electromagnetics, for example, enable results from other solvers to be mapped onto structural simulations without the need to specify file locations or requiring matching meshes. Data can also be brought in from third-party systems. You can even map 2-D data onto 3-D structures.